Haines, K. (2009) 'Youth Justice and Young Offenders' in Adams, R., Dominelli, L. and Payne, M. Eds. Critical Practice in Social Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 293–302. Haines, K. and Case, S. (2015) Positive Youth Justice: ...
... the nation itself (see Pearson 1992). At an individual level too, it is difficult to escape the personal, social and cultural assumptions that we bring to our understanding of childhood and our understanding of individual children.
Morris, J (1995) Gone missing? A research and policy review of disabled children living away from their families. London: Who Cares? Trust. Morris, J (1998a) Still missing? Vol.2 Disabled children and the Children Act. London: Who Cares ...
Rashid, S.P. 71 Reder, P. 94, 235 Reid, W. 204 Reijntjes, A. 150 Reynaert, D. 36 Rice, E.W. 198 Ritchie, C. 154 Roach, G. 196, 214 Roberts, D. 86 Robinson, L. 33 Robinson, M. 59 Robson, J. 278 Rogers, C.M. 39 Rogers, C.R. 216 Rose, ...
The dilemma to be resolved is how the legal framework, and the legal process, can best reconcile safeguarding children from suffering significant harm with the obligation to respect personal autonomy and family privacy (Hayes, 1997).
Ferguson, H (1990) Rethinking child protection practices: a case for history. In Violence Against Children Study Group (eds), Taking Child Abuse Seriously. London: Unwin Hyman. Ferguson, H(2005) Blame culture in child protection.
Regulation 33 prevents the placement of a child in a foster home unless the responsible authority is satisfied that this is the most suitable way ' of performing their duty to safeguard and promote his or her welfare and that ...
Canton, R. and Eadie, T. (2004) 'Social Work with Offenders: Practicing in the Context of Ambivalence' in Lymbery, M. and Butler, S. Eds. Social Work Ideals and Practice Realities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 200–221.
This essential textbook is especially designed for practitioners studying at this level. Accessible and thorough, the text focuses on a mixture of conceptual and organisational topics, skills, law, policy and key practice issues.
This essential textbook is especially designed for practitioners studying at this level. Accessible and thorough, the text focuses on a mixture of conceptual and organisational topics, skills, law, policy and key practice issues.
Such skills include communication, preparation and planning, intervention, recognition, identification and assessment of significant harm, recording and report writing, managing oneself and the work, problem solving, research and analysis ...
Family Policy Alliance (2005) Supporting Children and Families, briefing paper. London: FPA. Fawcett, B., Featherstone, F. and Goddard, J. (2004) Contemporary Child Care Policy and Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Recommendations from the Munro Review into Child Protection are referred to throughout.
Such skills include communication, preparation and planning, intervention, recognition, identification and assessment of significant harm, recording and report writing, managing oneself and the work, problem solving, research and analysis ...
How do policy, law, research and theory influence what they do? This important book provides the answers with a crystal-clear map of the field of social work with children and families.
This essential textbook is especially designed for practitioners studying at this level. Accessible and thorough, the text focuses on a mixture of conceptual and organisational topics, skills, law, policy and key practice issues.