Etmanski, A., Cammack, V. with Rowley, D. (2015: forthcoming) Safe and Secure: Six steps on the path to a good life for people with a learning disability, Grantham: Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network/Thera Trust.
This book is part of the highly successful Transforming Social Work Practice series and is written specifically to support students on the social work degree.
Not only is there a widely held belief that IQ scores determine parenting skills, but also that any shortfall is irremediable, and skills cannot be improved (McGaw and Newman, 2005). Worryingly, it would seem that not only do the ...
Marmot, M., Banks, J., Blundell, R., Lessof, C. and Nazroo, J. (eds) (2003) Health, wealth and lifestyles of the older population in England: ELSA 2002, ELSA (English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (
The paintings, particularly of Calabazaz and Barbarroja, are often titled 'Jester' or 'Buffoon'. This is a later interpretation of who these people were, based on a stereotype of the role of people with learning difficulties in history ...
Part of the Transforming Social Work Practice series, this title intends to support students on the social work degree.
Based around the government White Paper, Valuing People (2001), this title is the only up-to-date book on the subject. It outlines the progress made towards achieving the paper′s aims and...
Part of the Transforming Social Work Practice series, this title intends to support students on the social work degree.
Using case studies, activities and further reading to reinforce learning, this book explores an important area of social work practice and examines the varied roles social workers might undertake – including the achievements and ...