Lowman, A. (2009) Letter in Community Care, 28 May, p 12. Lymbery, M. (2004a) 'Responding to Crisis: the changing nature of welfare organisations', in M. Lymbery and S. Butler (eds) Social Work Ideals and Practice Realities, ...
This book provides a basic introduction to social work. It discusses the ambiguities of social work, looking at its historical and social developments and facing the challenges of the 21st century.
(eds) African Philosophy: Assumptions and Paradigms for Research on Black People, Los Angeles, CA: Fanon Research Development Center. ... Graham, M. (2007) Black Issues in Social Work and Social Care, Bristol: Policy Press.
Timely issues that this edition addresses include the following: the events of 9/11 and their dramatic influence on human services in the United States; the United States involvement in Middle East warfare; the physical and emotional damage ...
This volume presents an overview of social work, introducing terms, concepts, key people, and critical events that have shaped the profession, and emphasizing the relevance of social work to today's social issues.
This is one of three interrelated books edited by the internationally renowned and widely published team, Robert Adams, Lena Dominelli and Malcolm Payne.
He is primary editor of the book Postmodernism, Religion, and the Future of Social Work (The Haworth Press, Inc.), the primary author of Social Work: A Critical Analysis, and the author of approximately thirty articles in professional ...
Parton , N. ( 1998 ) ' Advanced liberalism , ( post ) modernity and social work : some emerging social configurations ' , in R.G. Meinert , J.T. Pardeck and J. W. Murphy ( eds ) , Postmodernism , Religion and the Future of Social Work .
Social Work: A Profession of Many Faces (Updated Edition), Books a la Carte Edition
Social Work: A Profession of Many Faces
Social Work: A Profession of Many Faces : Instructor's Manual and Test Bank
Social Work: A Profession of Many Faces, Books a La Carte Edition
Social Work: A Profession of Many Faces: Instructor's Manual and Test Bank
Social Work: A Profession of Many Faces with Social Work: an Empowering Profession, 3rd Edition Value Pack
This best-selling text continues to offer a comprehensive introduction to the field of social work with a unique focus on the diverse groups to whom social workers provide services, including children, older adults, disabled persons, and ...
Social Work: A Profession of Many Faces
Especially timely issues that this edition addresses include the following: the events of 9/11 and their dramatic influence on human services in the United States; United States involvement in Middle East warfare and the aftermath of ...
Sally Holland and Jonathan Scourfield explain what social work is and the range of cases it deals with.
Annotation This handbook is a quick reference guide for coders in emergency department (ED) settings.
So we've got a challenge ahead because social work has been a very quiet profession generally and I think it's time we changed ... Garrett, P. (2003) Remaking Social Work with Children and Families: 36 Social work: voices from the inside.