
  • Socialism
    By John Stuart Mill

    John Stuart Mill (20 May 1806 - 8 May 1873) was an English philosopher, political economist and civil servant.

  • Socialism: Past and Future
    By Michael Harrington

    Argues that socialist renewal is the only viable means of achieving progress and freedom in the twenty-first century and illustrates the imperative for placing human values before doctrinaire political or solely monetary motivation

  • Socialism: An Examination of Its Nature, Its Strength and Its Weakness, with Suggestions for Social Reform
    By Richard Theodore Ely

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.

  • Socialism: A Very Short Introduction
    By Michael Newman

    ... TUDORS John Guy TWENTIETH - CENTURY BRITAIN Kenneth O. Morgan TYPOGRAPHY Paul Luna THE UNITED NATIONS Jussi M. Hanhimäki UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES David Palfreyman and Paul Temple THE U.S. CIVIL WAR Louis P. Masur THE U.S. CONGRESS ...

  • Socialism: A Very Short Introduction
    By Michael Newman

    ... Tod Linafelt HEGEL Peter Singer HEIDEGGER Michael Inwood THE HELLENISTIC AGE Peter Thonemann HEREDITY John Waller HERMENEUTICS Jens Zimmermann HERODOTUS Jennifer T. Roberts HIEROGLYPHS Penelope Wilson HINDUISM Kim Knott HISTORY John ...

  • Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
    By Friedrich Engels

    Socialism: Utopian and Scientific

  • Socialism
    By Thomas Fleming

    Examines the history of socialism, how it has evolved, and its effect on other forms of government.

  • Socialism: A Very Short Introduction
    By Michael Newman

    ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly.

  • Socialism: The Great Seduction
    By Tony Parker Jackson

    Socialism: The Great Seduction

  • Socialism: The Failed Idea That Never Dies
    By Kristian Niemietz

    All of them have ended in varying degrees of failure. But, according to socialism’s adherents, that is only because none of these experiments were “real socialism”. This book documents the history of this, by now, standard response.

  • Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis [New Edition, Enlarged with an Epilogue]
    By Ludwig Von Mises

    All the collectivist literature combined cannot equal the intellectual achievement of this one volume.

  • Socialism: Past and Future
    By Michael Harrington

    Argues that socialist renewal is the only viable means of achieving progress and freedom in the 21st century and illustrates the imperative for placing human values before doctrinaire political or solely monetary motivation. Reissue.

  • Socialism: The Only Practical Alternative to Contemporary Capitalism
    By Tatah Mentan

    The Only Practical Alternative to Contemporary Capitalism Tatah Mentan. A handful of bourgeois elements may appear, but they will not form a class. “In short, our reform requires that we keep public ownership predominant and guard ...

  • Socialism: Origins, Expansion, Decline, and the Attempted Revival in the United States
    By Phillip J. Bryson

    Socialism: Origins, Expansion, Decline, and Attempted Revival in the United States This book is an attempt to address all the important economic aspects of socialismthe concepts and theories, the historical attempts to implement socialist ...

  • Socialism

    Again and again the champions of absolutism triumphed. But finally the rule of law predominated in the realm of Western civilization. The rule of law, or limited government, as safeguarded by constitutions and bills of rights, ...

  • Socialism: a Very Short Introduction
    By Michael Newman

    Exploring the role of socialism over the last two hundred years, Michael Newman explains its major theories, and the key challenges facing it today.

  • Socialism: Past and Future
    By Michael Harrington

    16, Table 4. transnational' internal trade: Raymond Vernon, “Global Interdependence in a Historical Perspective,” in Interdependence and CoOperation in Tomorrow's World (Paris: OECD, 1987), p.

  • Socialism: A Primary Source Analysis
    By Jesse Jarnow

    Discusses various aspescts of socialism, including its history, ideology, key figures, and the future of this political system.

  • Socialism: Past and Future
    By Michael Harrington

    'A scholar of extraordinary diligence and depth' J. K. Galbraith'Magnificent ... more than anything this book is about hope' Los Angeles Times'Among the very best books about socialism now available'...

  • Socialism: The Only Practical Alternative to Contemporary Capitalism
    By Tatah Mentan

    Since the end of World War II, global capitalism, spearheaded by US financial interests and backed by the most lethal military force that has ever been assembled, has consolidated its power over the world economy.