Schütze, C. E. (1996) The Empirical Base of Linguistics: Grammatical Judgments and Linguistic Methodology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ... Sivertsen, E. (1960) Cockney Phonology. Oslo: Oslo University Press.
This is a classic book on a fascinating subject. Peter Trudgill examines the close link between language and society and the many factors that influence the way we speak.
This Very Short Introduction deals with the social life of language, presenting a succinct account of the most important aspects - both "micro" and "macro" - of sociolinguistics, such as language variation, language attitudes, and the ...
This is a revised edition of Peter Trudgill's introduction to that part of linguistics which is concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon. The text explores the close...
New edition of widely-acclaimed textbook, including new sections on up-to-date topics for the 1990s.
Assuming no prior knowledge, books in the series offer an accessible overview of the subject, with activities, study questions, sample analyses, commentaries and key readings - all in the same volume.
Lee, Penny (1996) The Whorf Theory Complex. A Critical Reconstruction, Amsterdam/Philadelphia. – (2000) „When is 'Linguistic Relativity' Whorf's Linguistic Relativity“, in: Explorations ...
Mediatization and Sociolinguistic Change. Berlin: De Gruyter, 515–538. Pietikäinen, Sari, Helen Kelly-Holmes, Alexandra Jaffe, and Nikolas Coupland. Forthcoming. Sociolinguistics from the Periphery: Small Languages in New Circumstances.
Social practices—social institution—order of discourse The dimension of social practice relates to social institutions. An institution includes both ideological norms and discursive orders. Faircolough maintains a discourse is just one ...
New edition of widely-acclaimed textbook, including new sections on up-to-date topics for the 1990s.
The articles collated in this six-volume Major Work trace the emergence of the field of sociolinguistics, starting with key readings which laid the foundation for the discipline, and progressing to literature dealing with key issues which ...
Needless to say, Second Aliyah members were involved in the 1913–14 “Language Struggle” with German “Ezra” (see 3.). Some have attributed the most decisive role in the revival of Hebrew to the Second Aliyah.
17 Theorising language in sociolinguistics and the law: (How) can sociolinguistics have an impact on inequality in the criminal justice process? Diana Eades 1. Introduction A common complaint about the legal system is that lawyers can ...
This new and updated textbook gives students a coherent view of the complex interaction of language and society.
A brief but comprehensive introduction to sociolinguistics, the study of ways in which groups of people use language. It makes links with related disciplines such as history, politics and gender studies.
... motivations for borrowing have been analysed for various languages . A historically interesting case is that of ... Codeswitching Worldwide . Berlin and New York : Mouton de Gruyter . 2001. Language alternation : the third kind of ...
In the first volume of this kind for years, the editors have assembled a definitive view of the discipline bringing together much original work in sociolinguistics, ranging from fundamental theoretical statements and methodological articles ...
For researchers of language in society, this book emphasises the sociological rather than the linguistic side of the subject.
The editors aver that the collection 'will stand as an articulation of "the New Sociolinguistics" as it is emerging through a sustained reflexive reassessment of the field which is now ongoing, set against a core of classic texts'.