Associated with the names of K. N. Llewellyn, Thurman Arnold, Walter W. Cook, H. E. Yntema, L. Green, Underhill Moore, H. Oliphant, Max Radin, Jerome Frank, E. W. Robinson, and Charles E. Clark,1 this current is united only in the ...
Uwagi o polskim zgromadzeniu - Jacek Kurczewski Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich na scenie politycznej - Jolanta Arcimowicz Socjotechnika reformy systemu ubezpieczeń społecznych w Polsce - Marek Rymsza Prawa dziecka w Polsce - teoria i ...
This book will appeal to scholars and students of the sociology of law, jurisprudence, social and political theory, and social and political philosophy.
This book will appeal to scholars and students of the sociology of law, jurisprudence, social and political theory, and social and political philosophy.
Sociology of Law: Liberating the Human Race
The text examines the themes of social roots and social consequences of the law, the legal profession, and the influence of gender and racial structures on legal inequality.
The fourth edition of Sociology of Law has been greatly revised. Many new developments in the field have necessitated a wider framework and significant updating.