South Pacific Handbook

  • South Pacific Handbook
    By David Stanley

    If you do hit some- included and it's okay to take the car to Savai'i . thing valuable like a large pig , drive back to Apia P & K Filo Car Rentals ( Box 4310 , Matautu ; and turn yourself in to the police ( tel . 22-222 ) . If tel .

  • South Pacific Handbook
    By David Stanley

    ... NO 38.1 3/4 Steep Climb Kaivai River ( log bridge ) Steep decline caution 54.7 24 KAGI GAP ( Bush shelter ) 39.31 ... 2 61.81 NO Bush Shelter KOKODA GAP ( 2,256 m above KOKODA TRAIL III FROM IORA CREEK TO KOKODA ITINERARY ITINERARY.

  • South Pacific Handbook
    By David Stanley

    Parsons , Lee A. , and Jack Savage . Ritual Arts of the South Seas . St. Louis , MO , The St. Louis Art ... Dixon , Roland B. The Mythology of All Races : Oceania . Vol . 9. Boston , Marshall Jones , 1916. The collected folk tales of ...

  • South Pacific Handbook
    By David Stanley

    pell , Kirsten Corbett , Peter A.M. Cox , Robert D. Craig , Henry Crawford , Linda S. Crowl , Mary Crowley , Helen Dale ... Andrew W. Mitchell , Douglas Mitchell , Neil Mitchell , Philippe Molle , Larry L. Morgan , Melynnda Morrissette ...

  • South Pacific Handbook
    By David Stanley

    Sports And Recreation M.U.S.T. PlongĂ©e Scuba Diving or " Moorea Underwater Scuba - diving Tahiti " ( B.P. 336 , Moorea ; tel . 56-17-32 or 56-15-83 ) on the dock behind the Hotel Baie de Cook offers diving at 0900 and 1400 daily except ...

  • South Pacific Handbook
    By David Stanley

    The European distributor of books from the Institute of Pacific Studies of the University of the South Pacific , Fiji ... The largest stocks of antiquarian , secondhand , and out - of - print books on the Pacific in Western Australia .

  • South Pacific Handbook
    By David Stanley, Bill Dalton

    Provides historical and travel information for visitors to Polynesia, Cook Islands, Samoa, Tonga Islands, Fiji Islands, New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Solomon Islands, New Guinea, and Micronesia

  • South Pacific Handbook
    By David Stanley

    South Pacific Handbook