The 2010 edition has been fully updated to include the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
H&R Block's TaxCut? software and Checkpoint? from Thomson Reuters come with each new copy of this text so you can obtain professional experience with leading software!
The 2010 edition has been fully updated to include the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
The 2010 edition has been fully updated to include the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This version provides all the pages of the text in an unbound, three-hole punched format for portability and ease of use. Tax Cut is included with every new textbook as well as Checkpoint, from Thomson Reuters (Student Edition).
H&R Block's TaxCut software and Checkpoint from Thomson Reuters come with each new copy of this text to help you obtain professional experience with leading software!
Now updated for 2010, this resource remains the most effective text for helping practitioners master complex tax concepts and the ever-changing tax legislation.
H&R Block's TaxCut® software and Checkpoint® from Thomson Reuters come with each new copy of this text so you can obtain professional experience with leading software!
Complete with tax forms and instructions, they provide a realistic and challenging experience to accompany the text.
Prepared by Kristina Zvinakis (The University of Texas at Austin) and Roby Sawyers (North Carolina State University), the print Study Guide encourages learners to review the chapter's main focus, key concepts, and key terms and brush up on ...
H&R Block's TaxCut® software and Checkpoint® from Thomson Reuters come with each new copy of this text to help you obtain professional experience with leading software!
South-Western Federal Taxation 2010: Comprehensive Volume
These print practice sets, by Raymond F. Wacker (Southern Illinois University), are comprehensive and designed to be completed near the end of the course using tax preparation software such as TaxCut®.
Prepared by Timothy R. Koski (Middle Tennessee State University), the Study Guide encourages you to review the chapter's main focus,key concepts, and key terms, and brush up on homework and test-taking skills.
Tests for Self-Evaluation provide hundreds of questions and problems with answers so students may evaluate how well they understand the material in the text. The answers are keyed to the page numbers in the text.
South-Western Federal Taxation 2010: Taxation of Business Entities Study Guide
Prepared by James C. Young (Northern Illinois University), the Study Guide encourages learners to review the chapter's main focus, key concepts, and key terms, and brush up on homework and test-taking skills.
This version provides all the pages of the text in an unbound, three-hole punched format for affordability and ease of use. TaxCut is included with every new textbook as well as Checkpoint, Student Edition, from Thomson Reuters.