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The greater part of what is contained in these pages was published in the _New York Age_ June 25, 1892, in explanation of the editorial which the Memphis whites considered sufficiently infamous to justify the destruction of my paper, the ...
Southern Horrors Lynch Law in All Its Phases: Large Print By Ida B. Wells- Barnett Ida Bell Wells-Barnett, more commonly known as Ida B. Wells, was an African-American investigative journalist, educator, and an early leader in the Civil ...
Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases by Ida B. Wells-Barnett Shocked and terrified by the growing Southern Black and White murders since the start of the restoration and by the reluctance of local, state and federal governments to ...
We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library collection. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public.
Southern Horrors
Ida B. Wells-Barnett's historical pamphlet, originally published in 1892, exploring the horrific realities of lynching in the American South.
"PREFACEThe greater part of what is contained in these pages was published in the New York Age June 25, 1892, in explanation of the editorial which the Memphis whites considered sufficiently infamous to justify the destruction of my paper, ...
Aileen S. Kraditor ( Chicago : Quadrangle Books , 1968 ) , 262–265 ; Wheeler , New Women of the New South ; Elna Green , Southern Strategies : Southern Women and the Woman Suffrage Question ( Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina ...
The Afro-Americans of Memphis denounced the lynching of three of their best citizens, and urged and waited for the authorities to act in the matter and bring the lynchers to justice. No attempt was made to do so, and the black men left ...
The author and compiler of this text is Ida B. Wells - a famous black journalist and civil rights leader whose fearless exposes of racist violence were a source of inspiration.
Wednesday evening May 24, 1892, the city of Memphis was filled with excitement.
With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Ida B. Wells’ Southern Horrors is a classic of African American literature reimagined for modern readers.
A terrible reminder of the violent consequences which ingrained racism has upon society, this book unflinchingly tells of the various laws throughout the USA which allowed crowds to hunt, beat and hang black Americans.
Activist Ida B. Wells took it upon herself to document this shameful practice and its prevalence throughout the region and, to a lesser extent, the entire country in a series of seminal volumes, including Southern Horrors.
Southern Horrors provides a startling view into the Jim Crow South where the precarious and subordinate position of women linked black and white anti-rape activists together in fragile political alliances.
Southern Horrors Lynch Law in All Its Phases: Large Print By Ida B. Wells- Barnett Ida Bell Wells-Barnett, more commonly known as Ida B. Wells, was an African-American investigative journalist, educator, and an early leader in the Civil ...
Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases: Easy Read Comfort Edition
With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Ida B. Wells' Southern Horrors is a classic of African American literature reimagined for modern readers.
Rather than focus on the attraction exerted by the Mediterranean South on Northerners in search of health, pleasure, leisure and culture, the contributors to this book choose to bring out its less enticing aspects and the repugnance these ...