Speaking in Tongues

  • Speaking in Tongues: A Biblical Brief
    By Herbert Bell

    Like Wesley, he has endeavored in this book to present the material in a manner so that all who read it may understand and profit from its content.

  • Speaking in Tongues: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives
    By Mark J. Cartledge

    ... speech and how Paul himself viewed it.28 In Paul's view the glossai are most probably languages of some kind , not merely ecstatic shouts and pre - cognitive mumblings . This is , after all , the normal meaning of glossa , and none of ...

  • Speaking in Tongues: Languages at Play in the Theatre
    By Marvin Carlson

    ... New York: Performing Arts Journal Publications, 1982. Perrucci, Andrea. Dell'arte rappresentative premeditata ed all'improvviso. Ed. Anton Giulio Bragagalia. Florence: Sansoni, 1961. Peterson, William. “Reclaiming the Past, Building a ...