McHugh, K.E., Hogan, T.D. and Happel, S.K. (1995). Multiple Residence and Cyclical Migration: A Life Course Perspective. Professional Geographer, 47, 3, 251–267. McHugh, K.E. and Mings, R.C. (1996). The Circle of Migration: Attachment ...
The tourism industry and sporting events are two forces which can have a major socio-economic impact upon the development of individual countries and regions, in helping to make the concept...
Set to be the an essential text for any student or academic in the field, this book cements and advances previous studies by building upon existing literature, while extending the field by exploring avenues of study that are yet to be ...
Interestingly, the revival of the post-war Welsh economy, leading to increased capital investment and employment in the 1960s, resulted in a reversal of this outward migration and the 'second golden era' of Welsh rugby in the 1970s.
Strategies to Develop Tourist Destinations Marco Valeri. Mollah, M. R. A., Cuskelly, G., & Hill, B. (2021). Sport tourism collaboration: A systematic quantitative literature review. Journal of Sport ... Sports Tourism and Sustainability 21.
In confronting growing concerns around environmental, social and economic issues facing sports and tourism, this collection presents different perspectives to develop new plans for future needs and problems.