• SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome
    By Mary Beard

    New York Times Bestseller A New York Times Notable Book Named one of the Best Books of the Year by the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, Foreign Affairs, and Kirkus Reviews Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award (Nonfiction) ...

  • Spqr: A History of Ancient Rome
    By Mary Beard

    In SPQR, an instant classic, Mary Beard narrates the history of Rome "with passion and without technical jargon" and demonstrates how "a slightly shabby Iron Age village" rose to become the "undisputed hegemon of the Mediterranean" (Wall ...

  • SPQR: Histoire de l'ancienne Rome
    By Mary Beard

    Mary Beard, historienne de renommée mondiale, raconte ici l'émergence puis la chute d'une culture sans précédent, qui a façonné nombre de nos concepts fondamentaux sur le pouvoir, la citoyenneté, la guerre, la violence politique, l ...

  • SPQR: Una historia de la antigua Roma
    By Mary Beard

    Como culminación de cincuenta años de estudio e investigación sobre la antigua Roma, Mary Beard, profesora de la Universidad de Cambridge, nos ofrece una magistral visión de conjunto de su historia: una historia que, nos dice, «al cabo ...

  • SPQR: Die tausendjährige Geschichte Roms
    By Mary Beard

    SPQR: Die tausendjährige Geschichte Roms

  • SPQR: o istorie a Romei antice
    By Mary Beard

    SPQR: o istorie a Romei antice

  • SPQR: istorija Starog Rima
    By Mary Beard

    SPQR: istorija Starog Rima

  • Spqr: Modern Italian Food and Wine
    By Kate Leahy, Shelley Lindgren, Matthew Accarrino

    Presents a tribute to Italy's contemporary local cuisines and artisanal wines, featuring recipes from each of eight featured regions and analyses of evolving regional specialties while discussing how wine reflects each region's cultural ...

  • SPQR
    By John Maddox Roberts

    Decius Caecillus Metellus the Younger, an employee of the civil detective force of Rome, investigates two murders that are connected with secret information leaked from the Vestal temple, and uncovers corruption at the highest levels of ...

  • SPQR: Modern Italian Food and Wine [A Cookbook]
    By Kate Leahy, Shelley Lindgren, Matthew Accarrino

    By following the path of these thoroughfares, Shelley Lindgren, wine director and co-owner of the acclaimed San Francisco restaurants A16 and SPQR, and executive chef of SPQR, Matthew Accarrino, explore Central and Northern Italy’s local ...

  • SPQR: A Roman Miscellany
    By Anthony Everitt

    A moreishly entertaining and richly informative miscellany of facts about Rome and the Roman world.

  • SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome
    By Mary Beard

    Covering 1,000 years of history, and casting fresh light on the basics of Roman culture from slavery to running water, as well as exploring democracy, migration, religious controversy, social mobility and exploitation in the larger context ...

  • SPQR: by Mary Beard | Summary & Analysis
    By Instaread

    Inside this Instaread Summary of SPQR: · Overview of the book · Important People · Key Takeaways · Analysis of Key Takeaways

  • SPQR: Uma história da Roma antiga
    By Mary Beard

    SPQR é a abreviação que os próprios romanos adotaram para o seu Estado: 'Senatus Populus Que Romanus', ou 'Senado e o Povo de Roma'.