The book's final chapter assesses the usefulness of drugs in the quest for a mature, life-affirming, community-building, creative spirituality.
... to all intents and purposes, it felt like a studio picture with a worldwide release pattern,' Sharrocks recalls of The Philosopher's Stone.20 This wasn't a case of slowly building an audience or using gonzo marketing tactics.
Lorna Byrne sees & talks with angels every day of her life. When Lorna's husband died, her world fell apart. In this book she tellsthe story of how she pulled her life back together & how she started to spread the angels' message.
In being present, in the moment, one becomes an observer of the world and the many ways it is beautiful. We've curated, in this book, human-made beauty, real-world vignettes of spiral staircases, Stairways to Heaven, from around the world.
During the Pandemic of 2020-21, Eversley had time to confront major issues for those ageing in Australia. This book is both a memoir and an exploration of the resources and the gaps facing those who need more care over time.
Lorna Byrne sees & talks with angels every day of her life. When Lorna's husband died, her world fell apart. In this book she tells the story of how she pulled her life back together & how she started to spread the angels' message.