The perennially helpful guide to transforming our pains and difficulties into opportunities for genuine joy and personal growth, from the beloved Buddhist nun and author of When Things Fall Apart We all want to be fearless, joyful, and ...
Ever since the story of his transformation from homeless, single and struggling father to millionaire became known the world over, Chris Gardner --whose life story both inspired the movie The Pursuit of Happyness and became a #1 New York ...
Start Where You Are is a full-colour, passion-inspiring journal designed to help readers nurture their creativity, explore their feelings and focus on what matters most.
or the next few pages, let's concentrate on four positive traits of effective leadership. Each one emerges like gold nuggets in a pile of river rock, flashing in the sunlight. SENSITIVITY TO NEEDS But we proved to be gentle among you, ...
Thankfully, that's exactly where God is waiting for you. "Rashawn has an amazing story. I hope you will grab this incredible book.
Ruth encourages the readers to take charge of their lives, developing a realistic plan for a successful, fulfilling retirement.Ruth assists the reader to, "Start Where You Are -- at age thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy or beyond to plan ...
In Start Where You Are, “a book that teaches you how to transform the impossible into the possible” (Sidney Poitier), Gardner offers indispensible life lessons in getting from where you are to where you want to be.