25 Erie, Rainbow's End. 26 Edward Banfield and James Q. Wilson, City Politics (New York: Vintage, 1963). 27Dennis R. Judd and Todd Swanstrom, City Politics: Private Power and Public Policy (New York: Pearson Longman, 2004).
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This book offers an engaging comparative approach, showing students how politics and government differ between states and communities, as well as the causes and effects of those variations.
In this second edition of STATE AND LOCAL POLITICS: INSTITUTIONS AND REFORM, Donovan, Mooney, and Smith go beyond the purely descriptive treatment usually found in state and local texts.
In this Third Edition of STATE AND LOCAL POLITICS: INSTITUTIONS AND REFORM, Donovan, Mooney, and Smith go beyond the purely descriptive treatment usually found in state and local texts.
In this Third Edition of STATE AND LOCAL POLITICS: INSTITUTIONS AND REFORM, Donovan, Mooney, and Smith go beyond the purely descriptive treatment usually found in state and local texts.
State and Local Politics: Institutions and Reform
Government by the People David B. Magleby, David O'Brien, Paul Light, James MacGregor Burns, J. W. Peltason ... Pearson Prentice HallTM is a trademark of Pearson Education , Inc. Pearson® is a registered trademark of Pearson plc ...
For Introduction to State and Local Politics courses. This is the most authoritative text for state and local politics.
See,generally, David M. Olson, “Attributes of State Political Parties:An Explorationof Theory andData,” inJames A. Reidel, ed., New Perspectivesin Stateand Local Politics (Waltham, Mass.: Xerox College Publishing, 1971), pp. 123–157.
In this Fourth Edition of STATE AND LOCAL POLITICS: INSTITUTIONS AND REFORM, Donovan, Smith, Mooney, and new co-author Tracy Osborn go beyond the purely descriptive treatment usually found in state and local texts.
Cassia Spohn , Susan Welch , and John Gruhl , " Women Defendants in Court : The Interaction between Sex and Race in Convicting and Sentencing , " Social Science Quarterly , 1985 , pp . 176-185 . 40. See Edward Green , Judicial Attitudes ...
This book offers an engaging comparative approach, showing students how politics and government differ between states and communities, as well as the causes and effects of those variations.
Often politics will be FIGURE 2.1 William F. Buckley , Jr. is a popular representative of conservative thought . His perspective is regularly available on his television show " Firing Line , " and in the National Review magazine .
For Introduction to State and Local Politics courses. This is the most authoritative text for state and local politics.
State and Local Politics: Government by the People
See David R. Mayhew, Congress: The Electoral Connection (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1974). Articles on the behavior of state legislators include Robert M. Entman, “The Impact of Ideology on Legislative Behavior and Public Policy ...
See also Keith E. Hamm and David M. Olson , " The Value of Incumbency in State Legislative Elections , ” paper presented to the American Political ... Gordon E. Baker , The Reapportionment Revolution ( Random House , 1966 ) , p . 47 .
See also Susan P. Fino , The Role of State Supreme Courts in the New Judicial Federalism ( Greenwood Press , 1987 ) , p ... Richard A. Watson and Rondal G. Downing , The Politics of the Bench and the Bar : Judicial Selection under the ...
With a focus on participation, this second edition of State and Local Politics: The Individual and the Governments addresses readers as future leaders of their communities.