This book is the first of its kind to take concepts directly from the most commonly used textbooks in state and local politics and apply them directly to current events.
Updated in a new 15th edition, State and Local Politics: Government by the People, is the most authoritative book for state and local politics.
Politics at the state and local levels has never been more interesting than in our "devolutionary" age. This popular text is the most concise, readable, and current introduction to the...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
This is the most authoritative text for state and local politics. State and Local Politics: Government by the People continually sets the standards for other state and local politics texts by anticipating instructors' and students' needs.
An accurate, comprehensive and fun-to-read picture of state and local government politics. This book is unique in its informal and entertaining writing style. It covers the fundamentals that the 50...
Updated to include the effects of the 1994 elections that brought Republican control to both houses of Congress, this text examines the role of state and local politics in our...
State and Local Politics: Government by the People
This ninth edition text focuses on the varied and changing political and economic environments in which American state and local governments function, and their strengths and weaknesses in key areas of public policy.
State and Local Politics
State and Local Politics: The Great Entanglement
Politics at the state and local level has never been more interesting than in our "devolutionary" age. This popular text is the most concise, readable, and current introduction to the...