Humor and subterfuge were strategies for the collective T. R. Uthco. Doug Hall, one of the three members, remembers that they “were looking for other ways of operating that weren't in the tradition, ...
Asco (Glugio “Gronk” Nicandro, Patssi Valdez, Willie Herrón III, Harry Gamboa Jr.) First Supper (After a Major Riot)* 1974 (printed 2011) Digital print of color photograph 263⁄4 × 40 in. Courtesy of Harry Gamboa Jr. Photo: © 1974 Harry ...
Sam Tucker's entrepreneurial flair was evident from an early age , both at school and during his initial career in the hotel and hospitality sector . * Teachers would comment that the way I arrived at Sam Tucker 197.
Maddy: “When I finish the countdown, Richard and Lindsey will start making enough of a ruckus to help distract the suspects from the activity on the roof and at the basement door. Lets get this over with. FIVE-FOUR-THREE-TWO-ONE.
The author presents his perspectives and personal experiences on mentalism and how it can be used to tap into the mind's hidden powers.
Twenty-five years after she and her brother had fled their tyrannical father, a suicide and a suspect in the heinous murder of a young student, Susan Clayton receives a threatening message as a serial killer stalks her community. Reprint.
Jeffrey Clayton, a professor of abnormal psychology, believes that his father had committed suicide after killing a student more than twenty years ago, but when odd messages appear and a murder takes place in his quiet neighborhood, he ...
By novel's end , Gideon has been promoted to sergeant , about the highest rank a black man can aspire to , since all the officers are white . Gideon's immediate superior , the white Lieutenant Hollander , is an honorable man who ...
State of Mind is a cyberpunk thriller inspired by tales crafted by Philip K. Dick and William Gibson. The novel is the first installment of "The God Head Trilogy," which is a darker interpretation of Ray Kurzweil's Singularity Theory.
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Be sure to check the 'Hot Notes' page for more designs and for other options.
Twenty-five years ago, Jeffrey and Susan Clayton fled their tyrannical father--a man who was later suspected in the heinous murder of a young student.