John Updike , " Modern Art : Always Offensive to Orthodoxy " Wall Street Journal , August 10 , 1989 , 16 . 33. Slavoj Zizek , The Sublime Object of Ideology ( London : Verso , 1989 ) , 73 . 34. Salman Rushdie , " In Good Faith ...
The irony of this particular history of the novel's reception has been discussed further by the critic Peter D. McDonald, who finds an affinity between 'Coetzee's formalist appeal to the literary as a discourse with its own distinct, ...
... 2.004); Andy Worthington, The Guantanamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America's Illegal Prison (London: Pluto, 2.007); Clive Staflbrd Smith, Eight O'Clock Ferry to the Windward Side: Seekingjustice in Guantanamo Bay ...
This volume follows each reading set with a primary source related to the events of 9/11 which offer perspectives on lessons learned from the emergency response efforts.
See Anna S. Brasch, Moderne – Regeneration – Erlösung. Der Begriff der 'Kolonie' und die weltanschauliche Literatur der Jahrhundertwende (Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2017). Haimel, Flüchtlingslager Wagna bei Leibnitz.
"Brilliantly researched, impeccably sourced, the story is told in an engaging style and with great analytical acuity. Here is a dire warning against the slide into authoritarianism.
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States of Emergency: Technological Failures and Social Destabilization
The contributors to this volume argue that for too long, inclusiveness has substituted for methodology in American studies scholarship.
... foundations of Israel . In this respect , Ariella Azoulay's use of Walter ... Occupied Palestinian Territories , the circular logic between what Benjamin ... rights to the Palestinian population.12 The characterisation of the British ...
An invigorating return to classic cultural studies with its concern for social justice and challenges to economic orthodoxy, States of Emergency is a delightful mix of journalism, satire, and theory that addresses many of the most pressing ...