J. Craig Jenkins , " Resource Mobilization Theory and the Study of Social Movements ; " McCarthy and Zald , " Resource Mobilization . " 20. Ferree , " Political Context ; " Steven M. Buechler , " Beyond Resource Mobilization ?
If you are thinking about joining a sorority, this book is for you. If you are thinking about denouncing or validating your reason to stay in a sorority or fraternity, this book is also for you.
When activist Nell Merlino decides something needs to change, she throws everything she has into changing it.
A bold manifesto for women to get what they want in their lives provides practical advice in the arenas of love, work, or the world at large, empowering women to remake their lives and make their dreams come true. Original.
A sixteen year old girl is faced with life-changing situations and choices when her home land is invaded by strangers whose presence threaten catastrophe and death.