... 15–16 Explorer Club, 18, 24 introducing desktop computers, 19 Wozniak and, 53–54, 59, 61 Hill, Imogene “Teddy,” photo insert, 9–11, 93 Hinduism, 47, 49 Hippie counterculture, 26, 34 Hoefler, Don, 21 Holmes, Elizabeth, 37, 67 Holt, ...
Draws on more than forty interviews with Steve Jobs, as well as interviews with family members, friends, competitors, and colleagues to offer a look at the co-founder and leading creative force behind the Apple computer company.
Traces the inspiring life and career of the late founder of Apple, covering topics ranging from his struggles as an adopted child and a college dropout to his Buddhist faith and friendship with Steve Wozniak, in a portrait framed around his ...
Steve Jobs: think different - die Welt anders denken ; eine Biografie
Traces the inspiring life and career of the late founder of Apple, covering topics ranging from his struggles as an adopted child and a college dropout to his Buddhist faith and friendship with Steve Wozniak, in a portrait framed around his ...
Steve Jobs: człowiek, który myślał inaczej
Profiles computer industry pioneer Steve Jobs, a founder of Apple Computer, Inc.
The house number in the 1970s was 11161 Crist Drive. Details about the house were disputed when the city of Los Altos was adding the home to the list of historic places (over the objections of property owner Patricia Jobs).6 Steve Jobs ...
2009 fue asimismo el año en que Steve Jobs comenzó a trabajar en su biografía con el editor de la revista Time Walter Isaacson. Jobs tanteó por primera vez a Isaacson en 2004, al inicio de su enfermedad, para que escribiese la historia ...
Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1988. Print. 21. 9. Steve Wozniak with Gina Smith. iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How IInvented the Personal Computer, Co-foundedApple, and Had Fun Doing It. NewYork: Norton, 2006. Print. 88. Chapter 3.
La storia del vero Steve Jobs, l’uomo che ha trasformato la tecnologia e il mondo in cui viviamo, raccontata da Jay Elliot, vicepresidente di Apple e suo braccio destro per molti anni.
Scritto in collaborazione con William L. Simon, autore del bestseller iCon (oltre 300.000 copie), questo libro non è soltanto la più esaustiva biografia di Steve Jobs mai pubblicata, ma è il libro che tutti aspettavano, per capire il ...
Draws on more than forty interviews with Steve Jobs, as well as interviews with family members, friends, competitors, and colleagues to offer a look at the co-founder and leading creative force behind the Apple computer company.
What inspired him? How did he do his job? What made him the man he was? Here is Steve Jobs—the innovator, the rebel, the genius—in an incisive biography of a man who changed the world.
„Velcí. umělci. kradou“. Nájezd Applu na Xerox PARC se někdy popisuje jako největší loupež v dějinách průmyslu. Jobs občas tento názor potvrdil – s ... „Vzpomínám si, že Picasso jednou řekl: ‚Dobří umělci kopírují, velcí umělci kradou.
Steve Jobs est désormais l'icône absolue de l'inventivité. Il a compris qu'associer la créativité à la technologie était devenu essentiel.
'This is a riveting book, with as much to say about the transformation of modern life in the information age as about its supernaturally gifted and driven subject' - Telegraph Based on more than forty interviews with Steve Jobs conducted ...
This is a stunning visual guide to the life and works of entrepreneur Steve Jobs.
Profiles Steve Jobs, and describes how his friendships and knack for electronics led him to develop Apple and Macintosh personal computers, computer animation, and desktop publishing despite competition from IBM and Microsoft.