
  • Storytelling: Imagination and Faith
    By William J. Bausch

    No doubt, this book will hold a treasured spot on the shelves of preachers, ministers, teachers, parents - and anyone who wants to learn the power of the story!

  • Storytelling
    By Andrew Sinclair


  • Storytelling: A Guide on How to Tell a Story With Storytelling Techniques and Storytelling Secrets
    By James Moore

    This book will teach you how to: Grabb Attention. Create Emotions with your stories. Come up with new stories. You will also learn about The Story of All Stories... This book contains exercises to help you hone and perfect your new skill.

  • Storytelling: An Encyclopedia of Mythology and Folklore
    By Josepha Sherman

    Some scholars claim that hocus-pocus is a corrupted form of the words used in the consecration of the Host during a Latin mass: Hoc est corpus, which means “This is my body.” John Tillotson, archbishop of Canterbury between 1691 and ...

  • Storytelling: An Encyclopedia of Mythology and Folklore
    By Josepha Sherman

    Examining the stories and the oral traditions associated with different cultures offers a unique view of practices and traditions.

  • Storytelling: Global Reflections on Narrative
    By Laurinda Brown, Tracy Ann Hayes, Theresa Edlmann

    This book focuses on storytelling and human life by exploring the possibilities of narrative approaches across numerous disciplines and in diverse contexts; stories are humanity’s oldest way of making meaning of our past, present and ...

  • Storytelling: Bewitching the Modern Mind
    By Christian Salmon

    In Storytelling Christian Salmon looks at the twenty-first-century hijacking of creative imagination, anatomizing the timeless human desire for narrative form, and how this desire is abused by the marketing mechanisms that bolster ...

  • Storytelling: Art and Technique, 5th Edition
    By Janice M. Del Negro

    [African/Ethiopian] Kushner, Lawrence, and Gary Schmidt. In God's Hands. ... [Indian] Lee, Jeanne M. Toad Is the Uncle of Heaven: A Vietnamese Folktale. ... The Great Smelly, Slobbery, Small-Tooth Dog: A Folktale from Great Britain.

  • Storytelling: The Secret Sauce of Fundraising Success
    By Lynn Ierardi

    Great stories engage donors and raise more money. Strategic storytelling can help your nonprofit organization reach the hearts and minds of your donors in an increasingly noisy and polarized world.

  • Storytelling: Branding in Practice
    By Klaus Fog, Christian Budtz, Baris Yakaboylu

    How the Book is Structured PART ONE : THE TOOLBOX The aim of the first part of the book is to clarify the concept of storytelling . What does storytelling actually entail , and why is it relevant in relation to branding ?

  • Storytelling: Manipulation of the Audience - How to Learn to Skyrocket Your Personal Brand and Online Business Using the Power...
    By Daniel Anderson

    If this sounds like you, and you want to know about how to craft a powerful story for your business, then this guide was designed for you.

  • Storytelling: Histórias que deixam marcas
    By Adilson Xavier

    marketing, planejamento estratégico e criação publicitária foi um pulo. Bastou Margaret Mark e Carol S. Pearson lançarem seu livro O herói e o fora da lei e as portas das agências de publicidade, branding e afins se abriram ...

  • Storytelling: As narrativas da memória na estratégia da Comunicação
    By Rodrigo Cogo

    O treinamento das organizações para as contingências em um novo contexto da comunicação corporativa. In: KUNSCH, M.M.K. (Org.). A comunicação como fator de humanização das organizações. São Caetano do Sul, SP: Difusão, 2010, ...

  • Storytelling: Critical and Creative Approaches
    By P. Kelly, L. Semler, J. Shaw

    This collection uses the concept of 'story' to connect literary materials and methods of analysis to wider issues of social and political importance.

  • Storytelling: The Destruction of the Inalienable in the Age of the Holocaust
    By Rodolphe Gasché

    In a series of readings of major theories of storytelling by three thinkers—Wilhelm Schapp, whose work will be a welcome discovery to many English-speaking audiences, Walter Benjamin, and Hannah Arendt—Gasché systematically assesses ...

  • Storytelling: Branding in Practice
    By Klaus Fog, Christian Budtz, Philip Munch

    LEGO: Fans Take Over The Factory The Danish LEGO Company is among those businesses that have understood that traditional inside-out communication does not exploit the potential of social online media. Rather than fighting the loss of ...

  • Storytelling: H-S
    By Josepha Sherman

    A collection of informative entries providing a definitive and fascinating study of the wide world of storytelling.

  • Storytelling: Geschichten in Text, Bild und Film
    By Annika Schach

    Er ist Mitglied verschiedener Gremien und Jurys sowie als Berater für Bildagenturen, Lehrbeauftragter an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen und Fachautor tätig. Lars Bauernschmitt ist Autor des „Handbuch des Fotojournalismus“, ...

  • Storytelling: Reflecting on Oral Narratives and Cultures
    By Anne Goding

    This anthology focuses on how people share cultural ideals through traditional folktales. The selected readings emphasize the idea that the practice of face-to-face oral narrative strengthens cultural beliefs, attitudes, and values.

  • Storytelling: Art and Technique
    By Janice M. Del Negro

    ... Supercharged Storytimes: An Early Literacy Planning and Assessment Guide. ALA Editions, 2016. Cole, Natalie, and Virginia A. Walter. Transforming Summer Programs at Your Library: Outreach and Outcomes in Action. ALA Editions, 2018. Del ...