Structured around the core concepts of framing, experimenting and scaling, this book will ensure that efforts are focused where the need is greatest, that interventions are tested, evaluated and revised if necessary and that successful ...
This work adopts a theoretical approach and focuses on strategic decision- making as a process. It describes decision-making as an activity performed by rational and biased individuals, and places an... Robins ES, The Analytic Hierarchy Process – Issues, Problems, and Recommendations, Technical Report no ... Saaty TL, Vargas LG (2001) Models, Methods, Concepts and Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process.
... Quantitative Decision-making. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 6. Mood AM (1983) Introduction to Policy Analysis. Elsevier. 7. Frci D, Ruloff D (1989) Handbook of Foreign Policy Analysis. Nijhoff. 8. Miser HJ, Quade ES (1988) Handbook of Systems Analysis ...
Strategic Decision Making
Strategic Decision Making: Applying The Analytic Hierarchy Process