Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases Binder Ready Version with WileyPLUS Blackboard eCommerce Set
This leading strategy text presents the complexities of strategic management through up-to-date scholarship and hands-on applications.
Strategic Management: A Choice Approach
Contemporary research in strategic management, with an emphasis on conceptual tools and skills created by scholars and practitioners in the field, are evident throughout this book.
Substantial investments are earmarked for brand building exercises and in establishing customer niches . ... exclusive stores ; Easies ' 80 in 66 cities , Koutons ' 50 stores , Black Berry's 6 exclusive stores and 400 retail outlets ) .
Strategic Management: A Cross-functional Approach
Threats Low growth potential in premium wine Low profit potential Fragmentation in premium market ( many ... markets that Diageo is not a growth company GENERAL PROBLEM STATEMENT How to gain a position in the premium wine business as a ...
Do you know how to get the competitive advantage? STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: BUILDING AND SUSTAINING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE shows you in detail how the world's top companies build, extend, and sustain a...
The fourteenth edition explores the current global recession and shows how it has affected the business environment, providing up-to-date coverage in every chapter. 0133058654 / 9780133058659 Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage ...
The assumption of this book is that the relevancy of the time-tested core concepts has not changed. What the Internet has changed is access to these core concepts.
Postgraduate students and those taking professional courses will also find this book acts a us.
The 9th edition of Strategic Management offers comprehensive coverage of all the core areas of business strategy with a strong global perspective. Key features: Balanced coverage of prescriptive and emergent models of strategic management.
This book is the founding work on Strategic Management, a concept that lies at the core of modern business.
This bundle contains a loose-leaf version of Strategic Management: Theory & Cases: An Integrated Approach, 12th and access to LMS Integrated for MindTap Management for 1 term (6 months) via printed access card.
This leading strategy text integrates current research of developing trends with updated cases and increased coverage of technology.
Featured cases in this edition include Tesla Motors, India's Tata Group, Sangamo's development of a gene editing cure for HIV, Skullcandy, Uber, Microsoft, Google, and Staples.
Real southern African case studies are included to support these principles and applications. This is the fourth edition of Strategic management, the first specifically southern African textbook on this subject.
Strategic Management: Text and Cases
The eleventh edition of Strategic Management is a current, well-written strategic management book with the most up-to-date compilation of cases available.
Furthermore, the book includes the most recent developments and trends in strategic management and will help the students to apply this knowledge to become effective managers and leaders.