The fourteenth edition explores the current global recession and shows how it has affected the business environment, providing up-to-date coverage in every chapter.
Forundergraduate and graduate courses in strategic management.
This book produces a clear and concise introduction to principles and concepts of strategic management as required by practicing managers and those in colleges and universities who are aspiring to become strategic managers.
This text shows students that successful strategic management requires an ability to see the organization as a whole--to step out of the functional silos that students tend to acquire through previous work experience or prior courses, and ...
Strategic Management
Leadership, adaptability, value creation. These are the skills necessary for tomorrow’s managers. Allen Amason approaches the topic of strategic management with these traits in mind.
Strategic Management: A Resource-based Approach for the Hospitality and Tourism Industries
Strategic Management: Strategy Formulation and Implementation
Key Features: • An innovative six 'I' theoretical framework for strategy has been introduced • A leader or an aspiring leader can get an insight into what is strategy through a quick reading of the material on the side columns • The ...
This text supports Strategy and Policy courses by providing high-quality, class-tested cases with the underlying theme of a general manager facing issues of strategy formulation and implementation, strategic change, and personal action.
Organizational success crucially depends on having a superior strategy and effectively implementing it.
Strategic Management: Concepts, Processes, Decisions
Strategic Management delivers an insightful and concise introduction to strategic management concepts utilizing a strong mix of real-world contemporary examples.
For undergraduate and graduate courses in strategy. David's Strategic Management offers a skills-oriented, practitioner perspective that has been updated with modern cases to reflect current research and strategy.
This text focuses on SWOT (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis. It includes all new cases, and contains a unique chapter on not-for-profit organisations.
Concepts version of Strategic managment: Concepts and Cases
Strategic Management: Concepts and Applications
Global, natural environment and e-commerce themes are evident throughout the book which also contains 46 Experiential Exercises.
From economic, psychological and sociological perspectives this book reflects developments in the field of strategy including viewpoints that should lead to a better understanding of the field itself.
Strategic Management: An Integrative Perspective