Strategic Marketing Management

  • Strategic Marketing Management
    By Richard M.S. Wilson, Colin Gilligan

    Pearson, G.J. (1979), 'Setting Corporate Objectives as a Basis for Action', Long Range Planning, Vol. 12, August, pp. 13–19. Pearson, G.J. (1993), 'Business Orientation: Cliché or Substance?', Journal of Marketing Management, Vol.

  • Strategic Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation, and Control
    By David J. Pearson, Colin Gilligan, Richard Malcolm Sano Wilson

    Strategic Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation, and Control

  • Strategic Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation and Control
    By Colin Gilligan, Richard Malcolm Sano Wilson

    This new, revised and updated third edition includes completely new chapters and extensive new material covering issues such as the changing role of marketing, approaches to analyzing marketing capability, e-marketing, branding, customer ...

  • Strategic Marketing Management
    By Richard M. S. Wilson

    This book covers the changing role of marketing, approaches to analysing marketing capability, E-marketing, branding, customer relationship management, relationship management myopia, and the decline of loyalty.

  • Strategic Marketing Management
    By Alexander Chernev

    For managers and consultants, this book presents a conceptual framework that will help develop an overarching strategy for day-to-day decisions involving product and service design, branding, pricing, promotions, and distribution.

  • Strategic Marketing Management
    By Richard M.S. Wilson, Colin Gilligan

    This third edition of Strategic Marketing Management confirms it as the classic textbook on the subject.

  • Strategic Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation & Control : Tutor Resource Pack
    By Matthew Housden, Colin Gilligan, Richard Malcolm Sano Wilson

    This comprehensive resource pack provides lecturers and CIM tutors with all the support material needed to run a course on strategic marketing management.

  • Strategic Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation, and Control
    By David J. Pearson, Colin Gilligan, Richard Malcolm Sano Wilson

    Part of a marketing series, this volume covers the basics of strategic management, from the nature of marketing to product and new product strategies. The book is for students working...

  • Strategic Marketing Management: Meeting the Global Marketing Challenge
    By Julian W. Vincze, Carol H. Anderson

    This text offers comprehensive coverage of current marketing management concepts and issues such as globalization, information age economy, ethics, and the environment. Each chapter opens with a scenario that introduces...

  • Strategic Marketing Management
    By Dane Butler

    During the next four decades, Harrison's Reports frequently cited cases of on-screen brand-name products, ... Harrison's Reports severely criticized this scene in its film review and in a front-page editorial of the same issue.

  • Strategic Marketing Management
    By Mark E. Parry

    This handy edition of the popular McGraw-Hill Executive MBA Series hardcover title will provide you with the insights and strategies you need to: Foster and nurture appropriate brand meanings that retain value in the marketplace Create a ...

  • Strategic Marketing Management
    By Alexander Chernev

    This book presents a comprehensive framework to guide business decisions involving product and service design, branding, pricing, sales promotion, communication, and distribution.

  • Strategic Marketing Management: Planning and Control, 2003-2004
    By Helen Meek, Richard Meek

    Each coursebook includes access to MARKETINGONLINE, where you can: * Annotate, customise and create personally tailored notes using the electronic version of the coursebook * Receive regular tutorials on key topics * Search the coursebook ...

  • Strategic Marketing Management: A Means-end Approach
    By Mark Edward Parry

    With common-sense explanations of how and why recommended methods work, along with current examples of techniques other companies have used to apply these methods successfully (and unsuccessfully), this book shows you how to determine: What ...

  • Strategic Marketing Management
    By Benedict Hunt

    This book discusses the key topics of marketing management, like marketing orientation, marketing strategy, market research, distribution, etc.

  • Strategic Marketing Management
    By Jean-Jacques Lambin

    Comprising sixteen chapters carefully structured within five parts, this book offers innovative and comprehensive coverage of strategic marketing management.

  • Strategic Marketing Management: 3rd Ed
    By Syed H. Akhter

    New design and layout! Originally signed and developed by Cengage, Akhter 's 3e takes an integrated approach to strategic marketing management, and provides a comprehensive view of strategy, strategy development, and strategy execution.

  • Strategic Marketing Management: The Framework
    By Philip Kotler, Alexander Chernev

    An abridged version of Strategic Marketing Management (3rd Edition), this book offers a framework for strategic marketing planning and outlines a structured approach to identifying, understanding, and solving marketing problems.

  • Strategic Marketing Management: A Business Process Approach
    By Luiz Moutinho, Geoff Southern

    Strategic Marketing Management: A process based approach integrates Marketing with other aspects of Management such as strategy, organisational theory, strategic financial management and management accounting, HRM, information systems, ...

  • Strategic Marketing Management
    By Robert J. Dolan

    Strategic Marketing Management