Henry Hathaway directed most of the semidocumentaries for De Rochemont, and his films, made from 1945 to 1948, cover the entire cycle. He used a voice-of-God voice-over to introduce a 1945 film that, we are told, could not have been ...
That film was scripted by John Huston and starred Humphrey Bogart in a decidedly more complex variation of the gangster film, where the ambiguous tone lies in contradistinction to Walsh's own Roaring Twenties, made two years earlier.
... in collaboration with Mouezy - Eon Cinematography : Milton Krasner Special Photography : John P. Fulton Editing ... Audrey Totter ( Julie ) , George Tobias ( Tiny ) , Wallace Ford ( Gus ) , Alan Baxter ( Little Boy ) , Percy Helton ...
Andrew Dickos's Street with No Name traces film noir back to its roots in German Expressionist cinema and the French cinema of the interwar years.
Andrew Dickos's Street with No Name traces the film noir genre back to its roots in German expressionist cinema and the French cinema of the interwar years.