... Amelia Smith, Samuel Aronoff, Max Kaehn, Ron Hogan, Patricia van Ooy,
IN TOO DEEP With Christmas just around the corner, Cobie MacBride wants closure in the case of her missing father.
So much remains to be explored below the surface, where light fades and the pressure kills. Here are seventeen stories from today's leading science fiction and fantasy authors that take us into those depths, whether we want to or not.
"--Publishers Weekly "Combining romance, danger, and a dose of Russian history, the novel proves a rapid and entertaining read.
Experience a kaleidoscope of real-life underwater missions, ranging from ancient ruins covered by reservoirs in the desert Southwest to a World War II submarine off the Alaskan coast; from the Isle Royale shipwrecks in the frigid Lake ...
Compelled by conscience and curiosity, former Cincinnati Enquirer reporter Janice (Morse) Hisle-who covered the saga of Ryan and Sarah Widmer from the start-dug deep for material that tells the untold tale: dozens of interviews, 6,000 pages ...
Sure to delight anyone interested in diving, archeology, American history, adventure, and rescure missions, this fast-paced volume brings an entirely new perspective to the marvels of America's underwater treasures.
Keep your friends close.
This book will help you accelerate your relationship with Christ, where living in the presence of God is a lifestyle.
Dive Rescue Captain Cole McKenna has never worked a case like this, but who he's working with may prove more dangerous than the assignment.
"SUBMERGED reads like an approaching storm, full of darkness, dread and electricity. Prepare for your skin to crawl." -Andrew Gross, New York Times bestselling author of 15 Seconds Two strangers submerged in guilt, brought together by fate.
As the biggest storm in history hits New York, Elysia Puente estranged brother calls from the subway begging for help.
Thomas F. Monteleone expertly blends history, fact, and fiction with a subtle dose of the supernatural in this Lovecraftian page-turner.
Here a young boy fosters grand illusions; a wife faces broken promises; a dutiful committee woman meets a sparky old gentleman; a witch is drowned; an intruder insinuates himself into a lonely woman's holiday; and commonplace superstition ...