'Mediation Approaches' in T. Lindsay (ed) Social Work Intervention: Second Edition, London: Sage Learning Matters, 167–184. Griggs, J., Tan, J.P., Buchanan, A., ... Herring, J. (2011) Family Law, 5th edn, Harlow: Pearson Education ...
Supporting Families provides a practical, in-depth examination of a large scale, privately funded initiative designed to assist families before child protective services needed to be involved.
Recent government initiatives and developments in professional practice have been designed to help families in difficulty effectively, in order to prevent child harm. This book examines whether these changes have...
The costs and effectiveness of providing family support services in 2 local authorities in Wales is analysed over a 3 month period.
Through the use of richly detailed practice examples and case studies, this comprehensive book clearly and succinctly examines the knowledge, skills and attitude that social workers require in order to engage with and help families ...
This book examines whether these changes have worked, by examining a large scale study conducted by the NSPCC and drawing out the main messages for practice and future policy.