Freedman, A., Adam, C. and Smart, G. (1994) Wearing suits to class: Simulating genres and simulations as genre. Written Communication, 11(2): 193–226. Freedman, A. and Medway, P. (eds) (1994) Learningand Teaching Genres.
Knowles, M. (1978) The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species, Houston, Tex.: Gulf Publishing. Knowles, M. (1985) Andragogy in Action, San Francisco, Calif. Jossey-Bass. Lovlie, L. (1992) 'Postmodernism and Subjectivity', in S. Kvale (ed.) ...
This volume of the Open University Reader for Supporting Lifelong Learning looks at policy development in lifelong learning at local, regional, national and supra-national levels.
The selection of texts trace the widening scope of academic understanding of learning and teaching, and considers the implications for those who develop programmes of learning.
The book also examines the shift away from the perception of formal institutions as the sole providers of education and the increasing recognition of the learning opportunities which exist outside the walls of institutions.
This book brings together a number of texts to illustrate, explore and challenge some of the ideas and assumptions which underpin notions of lifelong learning.
Ingram, J.B. (1979) Curriculum Integration and Lifelong Education (Oxford: Pergamon Press for UNESCO Institute for Education). Jarvis, P., Holford, J. and Griffin, C. (1998) A market for lifelong learning?: the voucher experience in the ...