
  • Surfing
    By Bill Gutman

    Examines the history, equipment, and techniques of surfing

  • Surfing
    By Tracy Nelson Maurer

    Surveys the history, equipment, techniques, and safety factors of surfing, including bodyboarding, flowboarding, and freesurfing.

  • Surfing: An Illustrated History of the Coolest Sport of All Time
    By Benjamin Marcus

    One night while Ian and Dean were struggling to write their own song to record, one of the old Barons members, Arnie Ginsberg, showed up with an idea for a song titled “Ienny Lee” inspired by a local stripper.

  • Surfing: The World's Best Surf Breaks and Techniques
    By Paul Mason

    Each World Sport book reveals an ideal location for learning a particular technique essential for mastering the sport, from trimming a surfboard along a wave in Windansea, California, to catching big air on a snowboard in the half-pipes of ...

  • Surfing: The Ultimate Guide
    By Douglas G. Booth

    This guide showcases the world of extreme surfing, describing the unique culture associated with this daredevil's sport, providing insights into what makes the top riders tick, explaining the science of big waves, and more. • Includes a ...

  • Surfing: An Illustrated History of the Coolest Sport of All Time
    By Benjamin Marcus

    In 1998 , Taylor Knox topped them all at Killers on Baja's Isla Todos Santos , during the K2 Challenge , offering ... The old measure of halving a wave's height suddenly seemed ludicrous as Knox's wave towered sixty - two actual feet .

  • Surfing
    By Jim Heimann

    Welcome the most comprehensive visual history on all things surfing.

  • Surfing: Skills - Training - Techniques
    By Chris Nelson, Demi Taylor

    Fully illustrated with over 150 colour photographs, Surfing - Crowood Sports Guides covers: the history of surfing; choosing and maintaining a board; reading the ocean; skills development; advanced techniques; environmental care and surf ...

  • Surfing
    By Jim Heimann

    Welcome the most comprehensive visual history on all things surfing.

  • Surfing: Women of the Waves
    By Linda Chase

    To find that elemental connection to nature that has been lost in the jangle and clamor of modern life. To find God. The coolness, the wildness, the unmistakable aura of sexuality-these are part of surfing's ineffable appeal.

  • Surfing: In Search of the Perfect Wave
    By Peter Diel, Eric Menges

    n a trip to the South Pacific, we were surfing with a group of Australians on a remote reef in Fiji. ... Although snowboarding (surfing on Snow) and skateboarding (Surfing on the road) originally evolved as alternatives for Surfing, ...

  • Surfing: The Manual, Advanced
    By Jim Kempton

    "Surfing:The Manual" has step-by-step photographic sequences .

  • Surfing: A History of the Ancient Hawaiian Sport
    By James D. Houston, Ben R. Finney

    "Surf-riding was a national sport of the Hawai- ians," wrote the nineteenth-century Hawaiian scholar David Malo, ... But when a scratch on the shoulder might lead to death, or, as in Naihe's case, when one's skill could excite jealous ...

  • Surfing: The Ultimate Guide
    By Douglas Booth

    This guide showcases the world of extreme surfing, describing the unique culture associated with this daredevil's sport, providing insights into what makes the top riders tick, explaining the science of big waves, and more.

  • Surfing: Historic Images from Bishop Museum Archives
    By Renata Provenzano

    Surfing: Historic Images from Bishop Museum Archives

  • Surfing: Historic Photographs from Bishop Museum Archives
    By DeSoto Brown

    Surfing: Historic Photographs from Bishop Museum Archives

  • Surfing: Mastering Waves from Basic to Intermediate
    By Elliott Almond

    museums with Surfing Collections Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice Street Honolulu, HI 96817 (808) 847-3511 The British Surfing Museum Seaside Cottage 69 St. George's Road Brighton, England BN2 1EF 011-44-7801-522892 ...

  • Surfing
    By Ray McClellan

    Ever wondered what it takes to ride a wave? Young readers will find out in this introduction to surfing. They will read about the history of surfing, the equipment used to ride waves, and the ways surfers compete against each other.

  • Surfing
    By Erika S. Manley

    A labeled diagram helps readers identify the equipment needed to participate, and a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Surfing also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

  • Surfing: A Beginner's Guide
    By Alf Alderson

    Catch the surfing bug with this book that teaches you where to surf, when to surf, and how to surf safely.