Sustainable Business

  • Sustainable Business: Key Issues
    By Helen Kopnina, John Blewitt

    Lacayo, R. (2007) William McDonough and Michael Braungart. Time. Available at,28804,1663317_1663322_1669931,00.html Lacy, P. and Rutqvist, J. (2015) Waste to Wealth: The Circular ...

  • Sustainable Business: Strategies for Implementation (Collection)
    By Brian Clegg, Kevin Wilhelm, Peter A. Soyka

    Prepared statement presented to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection, U.S. House of Representatives. 9 June. Feldman, I., 2011. Personal communication. 29 June.

  • Sustainable Business: Key Issues
    By Helen Kopnina, John Blewitt

    The publication of the Canadian biologist, Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring in 1962 was intended to warn the public of the threats posed by chemical pesticides on human health and the environment and, more broadly, the potential ...

  • Sustainable Business: Theory and Practice of Business Under Sustainability Principles
    By Geoffrey Wells

    This book presents important new work in the theory of the sustainable firm, in the application of sustainability principles to key management disciplines, in sustainable business in practice, and in the international challenges that are ...

  • Sustainable Business: Key Issues
    By Helen Kopnina, John Blewitt

    The book introduces students to the background and key issues of sustainability and suggests ways in which these concepts can be applied in business practice.

  • Sustainable Business: An Executive's Primer
    By Sandra Edwards, Nancy E. Landrum

    This book is a brief introduction to sustainability as it applies to business and offers an overview of how sustainability is applied throughout the organization.

  • Sustainable Business: Theory and Practice of Business Under Sustainability Principles
    By Geoffrey Wells

    'This is an immensely useful and important book.

  • Sustainable Business: An Executive's Primer
    By Sandra Edwards, Nancy E. Landrum

    Sustainable Business: An Executives Primer is a brief introduction to sustainability as it applies to business. This book will offer an overview of how sustainability is applied throughout the organization.

  • Sustainable Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
    By Management Association, Information Resources

    Highlighting a range of topics such as lean manufacturing, sustainable business model innovation, and ethical consumerism, this multi-volume book is ideally designed for entrepreneurs, business executives, business professionals, managers, ...

  • Sustainable Business: Integrating CSR in Business and Functions
    By Annabeth Aagaard

    Integrating CSR in Business and Functions Annabeth Aagaard. and integrated mu more effectively in creating new and sustainable innovations. e basic idea behind open source innovation is that in a knowledgeable society and in a ...

  • Sustainable Business: Key Issues
    By Helen Kopnina, John Blewitt

    This is the first comprehensive introductory-level textbook to address the interface between environmental challenges and business solutions.

  • Sustainable Business: Integrating CSR in Business and Functions
    By Annabeth Aagaard

    This is also why more and more companies and organizations are pursuing sustainable business through various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.

  • Sustainable Business: Managing the Challenges of the 21st Century
    By René Schmidpeter, Manuel Fischer, Daniel Foord

    This open access book is a compact guide to the development of sustainable business, which has become the central concept in discussions about the future development of humanity and planet earth.

  • Sustainable Business: A One Planet Approach
    By Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud, Sally Jeanrenaud, Jonathan Gosling

    Edited by three influential figures from sustainable business education, and co-authored by several leading academics, this book offers a wealth of insight and interpretation into new ways of doing business that have a positive impact on ...

  • Sustainable Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
    By Information Resources Management Association

    Highlighting a range of topics such as lean manufacturing, sustainable business model innovation, and ethical consumerism, this multi-volume book is ideally designed for entrepreneurs, business executives, business professionals, managers, ...

  • Sustainable Business: An Executive's Primer
    By Nancy E. Landrum

    This book is a brief introduction to sustainability as it applies to business and offers an overview of how sustainability is applied throughout the organization.