Tendler, J. 134, 137, 195 territorialism 18 Thailand 71, 195, 254 Thompson, J. 203 Thurston, H. D. 37 Tiffen, ... 188 Waterman, R. H. 247 Wathern, P. 157 Watson, J. R. 103 wealth, rural 94–5 Welbourne, A. 187 West Africa 195 White ...
This book brings together several systems-level approaches to the consideration of the interaction of livelihood choices, natural resource management and participatory action research on sustainable development.
This book sets out to discuss the various aspects of sustainable rural development, drawing from recent empirical work carried out in different countries of Europe.
These are different approaches that allow us to contribute, from scientific, holistic, and multidisciplinary knowledge, and they can help decision making in public policy and planning strategies.
This book examines the paradigm shift in rural development from an industrial to an holistic approach to technology development, from a technocratic to a participatory approach to management, and from resource control by big organisations ...
This book brings together several systems-level approaches to the consideration of the interaction of livelihood choices, natural resource management and participatory action research on sustainable development.
Sustainable Rural Development: Issues, Opportunities and Challenges : a Compilation of Research Papers and Articles