Synergetics, according to E. J. Applewhite, was Fuller's name for the geometry he advanced based on the patterns of energy that he saw in nature.
The spontaneous formation of well organized structures out of germs or even out of chaos is one of the most fascinating phenomena and most challenging problems scientists are confronted with.
This is also reflected by the fact that it has been translated into Russian, Japanese, Chinese, German, and other languages, and that the second edition has also sold out.
This volume contains most of the invited papers presented at the International Work shop on Synergetics, Schloss E1mau, Bavaria, May 2 to.May 7, 1977.
This book is an often-requested reprint of two classic texts by H. Haken: "Synergetics. An Introduction" and "Advanced Synergetics".
Synergetics: An Adventure in Human Development
This volume gathers most of the lectures and communications presented at the meeting t held in Bordeaux from the 27th to the 29 h of September and entitled "Far from equi librium : instabilities and structures".
This book exposes the reader to striking new vistas in physics and mathematics, chemistry and biology, social sciences and philosophy ? all interlocked around the concept of self-organization.