Von der Reihenfolge der Wörter im Satz. Praxis Deutsch 172: 29−35. Menzel, Wolfgang 2004 55 Texte erzählender Grammatik. Braunschweig: Westermann. Meraner, Rudolf 1988 Satzverknüpfung durch Pronomen. Der Deutschunterricht 40: 69−83.
(22) Is there unpronounced syntactic structure in the ellipsis site? no yes non-structural approaches structural ... A more sophisticated implementation of this approach is proposed in Culicover and Jackendoff's (2005) Simpler Syntax.
Evidence for Syntax, the current reality is that we still need to understand the relation between syntax and prosody better in order to be able trust the phonological evidence in guiding our ... Adger, David 2013 A Syntax of Substance.
This Handbook represents the development of research and the current level of knowledge in the fields of syntactic theory and syntax analysis. Syntax can look back to a long tradition.
This Handbook represents the development of research and the current level of knowledge in the fields of syntactic theory and syntax analysis. Syntax can look back to a long tradition.