Take Five

  • Take Five

    Webb , James T. " Cultivating Courage , Creativity and Caring . " Presentation at the Montana Association for Gifted and Talented conference , April 2000 . Webb , James T. , Elizabeth A. Meckstroth , and Stephanie Tolan .

  • Take Five
    By D. Keith Mano

    Con-man, filmmaker (currently working on producing Jesus 2001, what he calls the religious equivalent of The Godfather), descendent of a wealthy and prestigious New York family whose wealth and prestige are in sharp decline, racist and anti ...

  • Take Five: Meditations with John Henry Newman
    By Mike Aquilina, Juan Velez

    "Newman provides a model for so many different kinds of Catholics. He did what love required." -- Scott Hahn John Henry Newman's journey to Catholicism is one of the greatest stories of the nineteenth-century Church.

  • Take Five: The Public and Private Lives of Paul Desmond
    By Doug Ramsey

    Take Five: The Public and Private Lives of Paul Desmond is the story of a jazz artist who transcended genres to establish one of the most immediately recognizable sounds in...

  • Take Five
    By Niall Breslin

    ' Sunday Independent 'A genuinely useful book for anxious children.' Irish Independent Praise for The Magic Moment: 'The sort of book that could be genuinely helpful to an anxious child.

  • Take Five: Four Favorite Essays Plus One Never-Been-Seen Essay
    By Augusten Burroughs

    TAKE FIVE includes the following four favorite previously-published essays plus one brand-new, never-been-published essay by Augusten Burroughs: --MINT THRESHOLD --UNCLEAR SAILING --COMMERICAL BREAK --DEBBIE'S REQUIREMENTS --SWAN SONG (new ...

  • Take Five: Organizational Behavior Alive
    By Joseph E. Champoux

    1 (2013): 361–88; Harrison Miller Trice and Janice M. Beyer, The Cultures of Work Organizations (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1993), chap. 1. 65 Craddock, VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever, 429. 66 J. Steven Ott, ...

  • Take Five
    By Westley M. Pederson

    LESTER takes the second cup from Gladys ' hand as she is talking to SHARON . ) It's a new recipe . GLADYS . Thank you , but I can't . I'm on a diet . They do look tempting , though . SHARON . Diet ? Why should you be on a diet ?

  • Take Five
    By Bob Coulson

    Five minutes is all it takes to bring a smile to yourface or chase away the blues with Bob Coulson's one page vignettes. These stories, compiled over a life-time, take the ordinary and show you that humor can be found almost anywhere ...

  • Take Five
    By Douglas Clark

    “Take Five,” by Douglas Clark. ISBN 1-58939-784-3 (softcover); 1-58939-797-5 (hardcover). Published 2005 by Virtualbookworm.com Publishing Inc., P.O. Box 9949, College Station, TX 77842, US. 2005, Douglas Clark. All rights reserved.

  • Take Five: Five New Zealand Short Films Complete with Video Clips and Teacher Text

    Features five short New Zealand films presented as a video and text package designed for visual language teaching from years 10 to 13. Suggested audience: secondary.

  • Take Five: Collected Poems, 1971-1986
    By Kenneth Mcclane

    Take Five brings together all of Kenneth McClane's poetry published since 1971, and reissues, for the first time, the privately-printed Running Before the Wind, his first collection of verse. Considered...

  • Take Five: A Crang Mystery
    By Jack Batten

    Will Crang survive the onslaught? Sometimes he can’t help wondering. Crang remains the same, familiar off-beat guy from the earlier books. He loves vodka, jazz and smart repartee. His friends tend to be on the shady side of the law.