Read prayers from all over the world by different faiths and religions.
My soul sings to You: “I love You, I love You, I love You.” My flesh sings to me: “Why do you not love me anymore, why do you not love me anymore?” My heart, my spirit, and my soul sings to the Father. Through the love of Jesus, ...
Perhaps most important, they are stepping-stones for us to go on and create our own prayers, to find meaning in our own lives, and to begin or renew our own relationships with God. From the Hardcover edition.
Why a theology of prayer? Because counterfeit prayer abounds, we need Scripture's guidance, writes Thomas Constable. Praying as God desires requires considering what God has revealed about it.
Fifteen essays accompanied by full-color illustrations explore the nature of prayer across the world: its methods, its effects, and its social structure.
Backed by Scripture verses, these light readings help youngsters develop a strong foundation of faith. and * Instills a desire to talk with God daily and * Introduces children to passages of Scripture on prayer and * Reminds kids that God ...