Teacher's Pet

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Johanna Hurwitz

    She rang the bell and waited. No one answered the door and so she rang the bell again. She heard steps and a woman wearing a bathrobe opened the door. For one horrible moment, Cricket thought she had come on the wrong date.

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Susan Meddaugh

    Martha, the talking dog, becomes a teacher when she fills in as a substitute in Mrs. Clusky's class, and after eating some Mexican alphabet soup, helps Alice with her Spanish homework.

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Hayley McGregor

    This is the shocking true story of a schoolgirl groomed by her teacher, and her courageous journey to heal the wrongs of her past.

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Morris Gleitzman

    A funny and exciting story about a kid who's allergic to cats - and possibly her family as well. Another example of Gleitzman's real talent in writing honest stories that hit home with kids.

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Patricia L. Barnes-Svarney

    Black cat Salem falls asleep in Sabrina's knapsack and inadvertently accompanies her to high school, which he enjoys until they are accidentally separated, and the feline must find Sabrina or a new home.

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Terrance Dicks

    WIZ SPELLS TROUBLE Pirate School ISBN : 4420-7 ISBN : 4502-5 THE MACMAGICS : A Spell for THE BLUEBEARDS : Revenge at My Sister * Ryan's Reef * ISBN : 4881-4 ISBN : 4903-9 CAROLINE MOVES IN THE MACMAGICS ...

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Andrew Neiderman

    And act like Mr. Lucy. And kill like Mr. Lucy . . . Praised by V. C. Andrews as “a master of psychological thrillers,” Andrew Neiderman teaches a master class in suspense in this brilliantly textured novel.

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Richie Tankersley Cusick

    This ebook features an illustrated biography of Richie Tankersley Cusick including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author’s personal collection.

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Jenny Dale

    Jenny Dale. : 4 PUPPY PATROL TEACHER'S PET BOOKS IN THE PUPPY PATROL SERIES. PUPPY PATROL THe Most Mischievous DOG IN the WORLD ... SCHOLASTIC 20 JENNY DALE EAN ISBN 0-439-11323-7 9780439 " 113236 " 50399. TEACHER'S PET Front Cover.

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Jan Weeks

    Assignment Fiasco Eye of the Future Kerria Logan and the Pirate Caper Karting Kel The plight of E. Hammond The Complicator The Rabbiter's Hut Teacher's Pet : 1-86509-244-4 Laser Beams 4 Set : 1-86509-252-5 Text © 2003 Jan Weeks ...

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Kayla Drake

    With the teacher's aide a noshow, Audrey had been unable to slip out of the classroom and into her office even once all day ... and his trim body was solidly muscled, as if he spent his days water skiing instead of working Teacher's Pet |7.

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Judy Katschke

    “We had a substitute teacher today with purple streaks in her hair and her name was Ms. Lavender. ... But for Willa, the best part about moving from Chicago to Chincoteague Island was the four-legged animal grazing 9 TEACHER'S PET.

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Kathryn Shay

    “I wonder if Brett's parents would get a dog.” “They're coming in for a second semester Parents' Night. ... Please, Noah, don't be protective of me.” Severely depressed when she left, Noah headed to the teacher's cafeteria, ...

  • Teacher's Pet

    "When T.D. adds Martha's name to the substitute teacher list at Wagstaff Elementary, not even he expects a talking dog to actually fill in for Mrs. Clusky.

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Richie Tankersley Cusick

    When Kate forms a particularly close friendship with a teacher at the week-long writer's conference she is attending, someone does their best to end her role as teacher's pet.

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Judy Katschke

    Planning to make her father's famous raspberry torte for a back-to-school project, Willa is dismayed when her plans are upended by a poor raspberry crop, forcing her to scramble for an alternate idea.

  • Teacher's Pet: Time-saves for All Reasons and Seasons
    By Linda Schwartz

    Teacher's Pet: Time-saves for All Reasons and Seasons

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Rita Walsh

    Teacher's Pet

  • Teacher's Pet
    By Jordan Silver

    Sometimes the forbidden can be too hard to resist. Even for someone like me...I never would've imagined that I could be that person. I've read the stories, and seen the fallout.