In addition, this book presents examples of best practices from successful online instructors as well as cutting-edge ideas from leading scholars and educational technologists.
Module 9 discusses the many factors involved in teaching courses online.
J. Macquarrie and E. Robinson. New York: Harper and Row]. Hendry, E. (2009). Students reach settlement in Turnitin lawsuit. Chronicle of Higher Education, August 3. Retrieved on June 25, 2014, from ...
Teaching Online: A Practical Guide is a practical, concise guide for educators teaching online. This updated edition has been fully revamped and reflects important changes that have occurred since the second edition’s publication.
What is everyone on about when they talk about hybrid learning, and flipped classrooms? These are just some of the questions that have been plaguing teachers all over the world.
'Teaching Online' is a concise guide for educators teaching online. This new edition reflects the important changes that have occurred since the second edition's publication.
Teaching Online is essential reading for any teacher interested in online teaching and course delivery. It deals comprehensively with both the tools and the techniques necessary for online language instruction.
Teaching Online: A Practical Guide is a practical, concise guide for educators teaching online. This updated edition has been fully revamped and reflects important changes that have occurred since the second edition’s publication.
New to this edition: entire new chapter on MOOCs (massive open online courses); expanded information on teaching with mobile devices, using open educational resources, and learning analytics; additional interviews with faculty, case studies ...
Prepare yourself to step outside of your comfort zone and start exploring the wonderful world of Teaching Online, and discover the best teaching strategies and tools for your online classroom.
New to this edition: entire new chapter on MOOCs (massive open online courses); expanded information on teaching with mobile devices, using open educational resources, and learning analytics; additional interviews with faculty, case studies ...
Teaching Online