That's Not Fair!

  • That's Not Fair!
    By Peter Clarke

    That's Not Fair!

  • That's Not Fair!: Getting to Know Your Rights and Freedoms
    By Danielle S. McLaughlin

    With its strong focus on civic-mindedness and social justice issues, this book equips readers with the language and concepts that illustrate what it means to be an engaged citizen in a democracy --- and makes it fun!

  • That's Not Fair!: A Book about How Fair Is Not Always Equal
    By Courtney Butorac

    In this way, parents and educators will find these books to be an invaluable resource for teaching social skills to ALL kids!Visit for free resources and materials as well as for special pricing and free shipping of books ...

  • That's Not Fair!
    By Stephanie Roehe

    Like most brothers and sisters, Fia and Fabi are always fighting, but when the siblings discover two humble mice children they realize that having someone to play with is more fun than having someone to fight with.

  • That's Not Fair!: Set Of 6
    By Claire Daniel, LLC., Newmark Learning

    Sydney and her classmates are learning to make fruit salad. They must find a way to work together so they all do their fair share and get their fair share. (Set of 6 with Teacher Guide)

  • That's Not Fair!: A Teacher's Guide to Activism with Young Children
    By Ann Pelo, Fran Davidson

    Noting that young children have a natural sense of what is and is not fair, this guide is intended to help teachers develop an anti-bias curriculum using children's sense of fairness to guide them toward social activism.

  • That's Not Fair!
    By Jennifer Reed

    The 24-page book, That's Not Fair!, introduces early learners to teacher-focused concepts that will help them gain important reading comprehension and social skills.