In January 1982, Sauter fired Charles Kuralt and Shad Northshield from the CBS Morning Show and hired a new producer, George Merlis, to reshape the broadcast. Merlis, a former producer of ABC's Good Morning, America, kept Diane Sawyer, ...
The familiar story of decline fails to acknowledge real changes in the media and Americans’ news-consuming habits, while also harking back to a golden age that, on closer examination, is revealed to be not so golden after all.
I needed Harry's help in more ways than one. When I emerged from the bathroom, Harry was there to help me back to his bed. I thanked him as I made myself as comfortable as I could under the circumstances. Maria would you like something ...
Charles Ponce de Leon says here, in effect, that this is misleading, if not simply fatuous. He argues in this well-paced, lively, readable book that TV news has changed in response to broader changes in the TV industry and American culture.
Sally has been constantly tormented between breaking her promise and to continue with the guilt feeling of deceit. This is compounded by the fact that a special friendship has developed between her and Adam.