Mrs. Robinson helped out in her older daughter's kitchen, but when she visited her younger daughter, she only sat and criticized. The younger daughter felt that Mrs. Robinson had always preferred the older sister and that her refusal to ...
The London School of Marketing is happy to include this book in its essential reading list as a better source for further reading around the Chartered Institute of Marketing Professional Diploma, the Chartered Institute of Marketing ...
For 40 years, The 36-Hour Day has been the leading work in the field for caregivers of those with dementia.
"Both a guide and a legend." -- Chicago Tribune This best-selling book has remained the "bible" for families who are giving care to people with Alzheimer disease.
The 36-Hour Day is the definitive dementia care guide.
Revised in 2006 for its twenty-fifth anniversary, this best-selling book is the "bible" for families caring for people with Alzheimer disease, offering comfort and support to millions worldwide.
Originally published in 1981, The 36-Hour Day was the first book of its kind. Thirty years later, with dozens of other books on the market, it remains the definitive guide for people caring for someone with dementia.
Mace and Robins provide practical and specific advice to make care easier, improve quality of life, and lift the spirits of a family dealing with Alzheimer disease.
"I welcome with enthusiasm the third edition of this book for families and friends of patients with dementing illnesses. It has served well in its prior appearances and should accomplish...
For more than 30 years, this book has been the trusted bible for families affected by dementia disorders.
The 36-hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for Persons with Alzheimer Disease, Related Dementing Illnesses, and Memory Loss in...