Singing “I'm not a singer, I'm an actor who sings.” That's code for, “I can't sing.” But you're probably good enough for plays with songs, where the musical director will work with your two notes and make you look good.
... your ACTRA number (if any), if you are available on the planned shooting dates, and — most important — any on-air or. c. upcoming commercials. Clients are paranoid about a possible conflict. If 88 The Actor's Survival Kit.
The third edition of The Actor's Survival Kitgives the actor fresh research and today's experience, new lists of country-wide contacts, and input from current success stories.
Often those conversations begin with, "You wrote the book!" The authors are still receiving thanks from grateful artists who have been guided by this irreplaceable book over the years.
The Actor's Survival Kit has been the backbone of Business of Acting courses and a constant resource for its many readers across Canada.
This fourth edition gives a new generation of Canadian artists an up-to-date guide to the business of acting.