... 50 Mackey J. McDonald , Chairman , Greensboro , NC 27408 President and CEO Apparel VH - 1 1515 Broadway New York , NY 10036 Music television network INTERNET www.victoriassecret.com Leslie H. Wexner , Chairman , President and ...
An alphabetically-arranged listing of addresses for some 3,500 celebrities, corporate execs, and other VIPs, as well as some selected organizations (criteria not specified). Would be more useful if indexed--at least...
Provides addresses and mailing instructions for reaching thousands of VIPs and celebrities and includes hundreds of e-mail addresses.
American Petroleum Institute 1220 L St. NW Washington , DC 20005 Charles J. DiBona , President American Musical Instrument Society c / o The Shrine to Music Museum 414 E. Clark St. Vermillion , SD 57069 Margaret Downie Banks , Registrar ...
... CA 91041 Vicki Cooper , Sherie Stark , CoPublishers Union Carbide Corporation 39 Old Ridgebury Rd . Danbury , CT 06817 Robert D. Kennedy , Chairman and CEO Fourth largest U.S. chemical company Ugly Kid Joe 825 Eighth Ave.
Lists the mailing addresses for more than three thousand movie stars, rock musicians, athletes, politicians, corporate executives, artists, authors, celebrities, and charities
Filled with fascinating people and histories, The Address Book illuminates the complex and sometimes hidden stories behind street names and their power to name, to hide, to decide who counts, who doesn’t—and why.
After finding a lost address book, the artist sets out to understand its owner by randomly interviewing contacts to learn more about the personality and past of its owner.
Popular science.
An exuberant work of popular history: why something as seemingly mundane as an address can save lives or serve the powerful.
Full of eye-opening facts, fascinating people and hidden history, this book shows how addresses are about identity, class and race.
'The Address Book' starts with some of the fundamental questions asked by everyone, in every culture, since the beginning of civilisation. Who am I? Where am I? Where am I going?
Governor General's Award-finalist Steven Heighton employs his signature blend of emotional fierceness and linguistic beauty to tap into "This whim / against what drifts to dark." The Address Book is...
This newly revised ninth edition is the "almanac to the inaccessible" "People")--providing direct access to over 4,000 celebrities, corporate execs, and other VIPs--including hundreds of new email addresses.
The Address Book: A Novel