The Amateur

  • The Amateur: The Pleasures of Doing What You Love
    By Andy Merrifield

    6 William Davies, The Happiness Industry: How the Government and Big Business Sold Us Well-Being (Verso, London, 2015), p. 113. 7 'What's Causing Zappos to “Hemorrhage” Talent?' Forbes Magazine, 7 April 2016; see also 'The Zappos Exodus ...

  • The Amateur
    By Edward Klein

    Praise for "The Amateur" ""The Amateur" is the best book I've read on how Barack Obama is wrecking our country. I urge everyone who cares about America to read Edward Klein's eye-opening book.

  • The Amateur
    By Edward Klein

    It’s amateur hour at the White House. So says New York Times bestselling author Edward Klein in his new political exposé The Amateur.

  • The Amateur: The Pleasures of Doing What You Love
    By Andy Merrifield

    The Amateur advocates urgently for the liberated life, one that creates the space to question authority.

  • The Amateur
    By Edward Klein

    Think you know the real Barack Obama? You don’t—not until you’ve read The Amateur.