The Amazing Spider-Man: Volume 1
A compilation of comics in which Spider-man, struggling to balance his dual lives, meets a mysterious man whose powers mirror his own, and faces an ancient evil.
When a new villain called Electro declares that he will shut off all of the city's power, it is up to Spider-Man to stop him.
"Spider-Man is in for a shock! Electro plans to steal the city's power supply, and he won't let anything get in his way. Can Spider-Man save the day before it's too late?"--back cover.
The Amazing Spider-Man: As the World Burns
"When animals from the zoo go missing, Spider-Man decides to check it out. He knows that something strange must be up. But he doesn't expect to find Kraven the Hunter waiting for a fight!"--Back cover.
Gifted with special powers after being bitten by a genetically altered spider, Peter Parker transforms himself into a superhuman crimefighter.
The Amazing Spider-Man
I - 12 ( 2006 ) After Marvel's near bankruptcy in the late 1990s , Mark Millar moved things forward by looking backward in these fan ... Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley , Ultimate Spider - Man : Ultimate Collection , Vol .
Contains material originally published in magazine form as Amazing Spider-Man #546-551; Spider-Man: Swing shift; and Venom Super-special.
The mysterious figure known only as Spider-Man has been sighted throughout New York City.
The amazing Spider-Man
An introduction to classic Marvel superheroes for the youngest superfans Jump into action with your favorite Marvel superheroes Learn all about their superpowers, backstories, and alter egos in these bright and bold board books, with text ...
One of the world's most popular characters is back on the big screen revealing a new chapter of the Spider-Man legacy in The Amazing Spider-Man.
The Amazing Spider-Man: Battle Files
"Ben Reilly--the clone of Spider-Man--is back!
Experience one of the most exciting stories in Spidey lore, culminating in a cataclysmic finale that sees the wall-crawler and some of his staunchest--and most surprising--allies in a no-holds-barred face-off with his most terrifying foe .. ...
Two new villains emerge and set their sights on Peter Parker and Spider-Man, threatening to destroy everything that means anything to him.
Featuring exclusive concept artwork, behind-the-scenes photographs, producti on stills, and in-depth interviews with the cast and crew, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: THE ART OF THE MOVIE is a deluxe keepsake volume that provides an insider's look ...
Peter Parker tries to reconcile with the love of his life, Mary Jane Watson, but the duties of his alter-ego Spider-Man continue to threaten any hope for happiness.