The Ancient Greeks

  • The Ancient Greeks
    By Rosemary Rees

    More Books to Read Pearson , Anne . Ancient Greece . New York , DK Publishing , 2003 . Weber , Belinda . The Best Book of Ancient Greece . Boston : Kingfisher , 2005 . Understanding People In The Past The ANCIENT GREEKS Revised and.

  • The Ancient Greeks
    By Emma Lou Thornbrough

    A few years later , Sir Arthur Evans , like Schliemann an amateur who invested his own personal fortune in his excavations , discovered a magnificent palace and remains of a still earlier civilization at Knossos on the island of Crete .

  • The Ancient Greeks
    By Allison Lassieur

    Presents the civilization of ancient Greece, discussing aspects of daily life, religion, and entertainment; and reviews some of the contributions that Greeks made to later civilizations.

  • The Ancient Greeks
    By John Malam

    Introduces the history, culture, and people of ancient Greece and examines its many contributions to the development of Western society.

  • The Ancient Greeks: In the Land of the Gods
    By Sophie Deschamps-Lequime, Denise Vernerey

    English ] The ancient Greeks : in the land of the Gods / by Sophie DescampsLequime and Denise Vernerey : illustrated by Annie - Claude Martin ; translated by Mary Kae LaRose . p . cm .— ( Peoples of the past ) Translation of :: Au pays ...

  • The Ancient Greeks: New Perspectives
    By Stephanie Lynn Budin

    In the sixth century b.c.e., such merchants were frequently Ionians, who were responsible for much of the import-export business at Naukratis in the south and Gravisca in the west (Johnston 1991, 221–224).

  • The Ancient Greeks: A Critical History
    By John Van Antwerp Fine

    H. T. Wade - Gery , “ Miltiades , ” in Essays in Greek History ( Oxford : Blackwell , 1958 ) , p . 166 . 32. D. M. Lewis , " Cleisthenes and Attica , ” Historia , 12 ( 1963 ) , 2527 . 33. Donald W. Bradeen , " The Fifth - Century Archon ...

  • The Ancient Greeks: History and Culture from Archaic Times to the Death of Alexander
    By Matthew Dillon, Lynda Garland

    Including illustrations, maps, a chronological table and close referencing to Ancient Greece: Social and Historical Documents from Archaic Times to the Death of Alexander, this book will provide support for courses in ancient Greek history ...

  • The Ancient Greeks: Social Structure and Evolution
    By David B. Small

    “The 'Big House' at Vronda and the 'Great House' at Karfi: Evidence for Social Structure in LMIIIC Crete. ... Kavousi II. The Late Minoan IIIC Settlement at Vronda: The Buildings on the Summit. Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press.

  • The Ancient Greeks: An Introduction
    By Stephanie Lynn Budin

    This authoritative book surveys the full extent of the culture that gave us the Acropolis, the Illiad, and The Republic.

  • The Ancient Greeks
    By Pat Taylor

    An introduction to various elements of ancient Greek civilization including gods and goddesses, clothing, food, town and country life, art and theater, and the Olympic games.

  • The Ancient Greeks: History and Culture from Archaic Times to the Death of Alexander
    By Matthew Dillon

    Including illustrations, maps, a chronological table and close referencing to Ancient Greece: Social and Historical Documents from Archaic Times to the Death of Alexander, this book will provide support for courses in ancient Greek history ...

  • The Ancient Greeks: History and Culture from Archaic Times to the Death of Alexander
    By Matthew Dillon, Lynda Garland

    Including illustrations, maps, a chronological table and close referencing to Ancient Greece: Social and Historical Documents from Archaic Times to the Death of Alexander, this book will provide support for courses in ancient Greek history ...

  • The Ancient Greeks
    By Rosemary Rees

    Introduces readers to the lives of ancient Greeks, including their social, economic, political and cultural beliefs and practices.

  • The Ancient Greeks: Their Lives and Their World
    By Alexandra Villing

    The Ancient Greeks introduces children to the people of the ancient Greek world. This is a highly visual resource book, packed with authentic pictures of real Greek places, things and...

  • The Ancient Greeks
    By Jessica Cohn

    Ancient Greece has had an impact on much of our culture, especially the concepts of democracy and theater, the tradition of Olympic sports, and the famous myths that are still a focus of today’s movies, books, and TV shows.

  • The Ancient Greeks
    By Virginia Schomp

    "A retelling of several key ancient Greek myths, with background information describing the history, geography, belief systems, and customs of the ancient Greeks"--Provided by publisher.

  • The Ancient Greeks: New Perspectives
    By Stephanie L. Budin

    Drawing on the latest interpretations of artifacts, texts, and other evidence, this handbook takes both newcomers and long-time Hellenophiles inside the process of discovery, revealing not only what we know about ancient Greece but how we ...

  • The Ancient Greeks
    By Kirsty Holmes

    However, this ancient civilization dissolved thousands of years ago. How and why did this impressive civilization fall? The answer to that question is found within the pages of this book, written especially for elementary readers.

  • The Ancient Greeks
    By Morton Smith

    Narrative essays in the history of our tradition from its origins in ancient Israel and Greece to the present.