A gaming academic offers a “fascinating” exploration of why we play video games—despite the unhappiness we feel when we fail at them (Boston Globe) We may think of video games as being “fun,” but in The Art of Failure, Jesper Juul ...
Argues that video games are not fun but actually lead to feelings of frustration and incompetence and that video games are one of the few mediums that allow us to experience and experiment with failure.
A gaming academic offers a “fascinating” exploration of why we play video games—despite the unhappiness we feel when we fail at them (Boston Globe) We may think of video games as being “fun,” but in The Art of Failure, Jesper Juul ...
This mind-bending, award-winning book, written by an Oxford psychiatrist and philosopher, explores what it means to be successful, and how, if at all, true success can be achieved.
We fail as human beings. The Art of Failure explores what it means to be successful, and how - if at all - true success can be achieved. Dr Neel Burton is a psychiatrist and philosopher who lives and teaches in Oxford, England.
The Art of Failure: Conrad's Fiction
Originally published in 1986, this is a powerful and original book.