Thus he divides Scottish history into four periods: 1 from the origin of the monarchy to the reign of Kenneth II; from Kenneth IBs conquest of the Piets to the death of Alexander III; from the death of Alexander III to the death of ...
Unique among the "Art Of" series, The Art of History engages with both fiction and narrative nonfiction to reveal varied strategies of incorporating and dramatizing historical detail.
This title examines the work of contemporary African-American women artists, focusing on four problems that recur when these artists confront their histories.
Croesus, you ask me about human affairs, and I know that the divine is entirely grudging and troublesome to us [...] Hdt. 1.33: XKostéetv 6é Xpm Tovtóç Xpilpotog Triv teNeutrīv Kå Östofffloatol. ToMAosol yöp 6ń UTtoběšoq àNBov Ó 080g ...
Unique among the "Art Of" series, The Art of History engages with both fiction and narrative nonfiction to reveal varied strategies of incorporating and dramatizing historical detail.
As scholarly interest broadens, in addition to evaluating ancient historians on the basis of the reliability of the information they record, and verifying the narratives against various elements of the material (inscriptions, excavations, ...
The Art of History: A Study of Four Great Historians of the Eighteenth Century