The stricken animal lowered his head, then tilted it again and stared, turned and moved away a few steps, stopped and looked around again, ran, paused, ran again, walked slowly, stopped, trembled, stared piteously at his companions, ...
Douglas used the phrase to portray Lincoln as an abolitionist, and Leonard Swett, one of Lincoln's advisers, later argued that Lincoln had defeated ... He had worked hard for the party, driving John C. Frémont's campaign wagons in 1854.
Some of America's foremost historians - including Bruce Catton, David McCullough, James McPherson and Stephen Sears - tell extraordinary stories of courage, disaster, and triumph in this collection of the best articles from sixty years of ...
Here, acclaimed American historians - among them, Max Boot, Douglas Brinkley, and Stanley Karnow - tell the dramatic story of America's war in Vietnam.
... Calvin maintained that he was haunted by phantoms. They visited him most ... Hattie became pregnant about the same time the state of Ohio requested that ... day,” she wrote to Calvin when he was in Detroit attending a church convention ...