Van Dyke chaired the committee that wrote the first Presbyterian printed liturgy, The Book of Common Worship of 1906.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
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The Blue Flower (1902), named after the key symbol of Romanticism introduced first by Novalis.From the Preface :The stories in this book have been growing together for a long time.
He compiled several short stories in The Blue Flower (1902), named after the key symbol of Romanticism introduced first by Novalis. He also contributed a chapter to the collaborative novel, The Whole Family (1908).
The irrationality of love, the transfiguration of the commonplace, the clarity of purpose that comes with knowing one's own fate-these are the themes of this beguiling novel, themes treated with a mix of wit, grace, and mischievous humor ...